Tuesday 30 April 2013

What Would You Do With £18,768?

Over the last 8 weeks we've been watching two top professional horse racing bettors who between them give us a short list of the very best selections to bet on in good time to make sure we can get bets on.

This race bet experiment left us jaw dropped as we have now witnessed a staggering +187.68 points profit in just 8 weeks! At £100 a point that's £18,768.00

Can you imagine making this sort of cash as a punter? Probably not, but the truth is there are pro-punters out there doing it. 

Here's the good news... 

The team behind this information "AAP INSIDERS" have decided to join us and we're happy to shout that the service is now live. It's very limited so there's a big call for action.

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These guys are good! So if you're looking for some great horse racing advice then this is a service you must consider. 

The "AAP INSIDERS" love the flat season and we're told to expect some exceptional profits over the coming months! 

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Here Best Wishes, BetFan PS. The guys at AAP INSIDERS have also just published a system called "Mega Maidens" that can make great profits from flat racing. You'll get a FREE copy on joining!