Back in the good, old days I used to give free tips for two-year-old horse racing.
It was on this blog.
I kind of enjoyed the experience at the time and had a few good people take an interest.
It might sound big headed, but I have an exceptional knowledge of two-year-old horse racing. In fact, I consider myself the best in the country. Not to say that means I'm not interested in online cash casinos for a bit of timeout from the serious gambling and sit down with a cup of tea and put my feet up for half an hour.
I don't say those words lightly, it's just a fact.
Although I don't have anything to prove and really couldn't give a thought if you think differently.
It matters not.
I've never been someone who is interested in other gambler's talents. I'd rather rather visit this page and see how the other half live. There are plenty of good judges, unsung heroes, out there who just get on with doing their thing. They don't need the spotlight to shine down on them. These so-called horse racing ''influencers''.
That's a joke term if I ever heard one. Most are better at marketing than betting with knowledge or success.