Wednesday 19 April 2017

Horse Racing Gambling for a Living

Imagine you have a son or daughter who is of college age or ready to go out into the world and find a job. This young adult comes to you and tells you that he or she has finally made a choice of career. You are happy for your off spring and ask what that career might be.

"I want to handicap horse races for a living," he or she says.

How would you feel about that? If you are like most parents, you'd be disappointed and worried that your child had gone off the rails. A handicapper for a living? A professional gambler? That doesn't sound very good if it is someone you love, someone you want to succeed in the world.

There are, however, many people who are trying to do just that as you are reading this. Sometimes it is because that person thinks it will be an easy life with lots of freedom and easy money. Others believe it is romantic to make a living with your wits and watch horse races each day.

For other people it is more of a necessity. They may not have many options in this bad economy and they have run out of other choices. In desperation they decide to try to make money betting on horse races, vowing to work at it like a job and to make it pay. Some people who sell racing tips or handicapping systems would have you believe that it isn't even gambling if you have the right information. When a desperate person reads that line they often convince themselves that they aren't really gambling, just learning how to invest.

Take a few tips from an old timer who has placed many a bet, handicapped many a race, and stood in the winners circle with his own horse a few times, betting on horse races is gambling and is risky. It can be thrilling, financially rewarding, and costly, too. If you are seriously going to try to make money on horse racing bets, get the facts and make a solid plan for your future.

Can anyone really make money playing the horses? In my opinion and based on my own experiences, yes. Is it easy, glamorous, or thrilling? Yes and no. The truth of it is that you will have to work very hard and the failure rate is very high. When you choose handicapping as a career you are not only gambling on horses, but your own future as well.

The way that most successful horse racing handicappers succeed is to immerse themselves into the game and live, eat, breath, and think horse racing. They also stick to a strict money management scheme and work harder than most people with a steady job. It is thrilling to win money by betting on horse races, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is gut wrenching to have a large bet on a horse and to need the money to pay your bills and see that horse lose by a nose.

Walking out the track with empty pockets and wondering how you're going to make it is not fun. I wouldn't change the way I've lived my life if I could because I've enjoyed the highs and learned from the lows, but on the other hand, I wouldn't recommend the life of a horse player to someone else. I'm not trying to discourage you. I now make a living teaching other people how to handicap horse races and if no one plays the races, I'll be out of a job. On the other hand, I like to see people succeed and the only way you'll do it as a horse player is if you start with your eyes open and prepare yourself properly.

By Bill Peterson

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About the Author

If you want to learn how a horse owner and insider handicaps just go to and get the truth. Bill Peterson is a former horse race owner and professional handicapper. To see all Bill's horse racing material go to Horse Racing Handicapping, Bill's handicapping store.