Monday, April 5, 2021

Who is the First Female Jockey to Complete the Grand National?

If you love the Grand National you may know the answer to this question. 

The Grand National is one of those races which unites the populous. The housewives favourite. That's what they say. Horse racing has been very much a man's world. However, it is no longer the domain of the few. 

As the saying goes: ''The female of the species is more deadly than the male.'' 

When it comes to riding skills you have only to look at the success of leading female jockeys from across the word to see not only are they equal they often surpass. 

Charlotte Brew paved the way in 1977 when she was the first female rider to compete in the Grand National on her own horse Barony Fort. In 1982, Geraldine Rees took up the baton and rode a horse named Cheers who finished in 8th place behind Grittar. Rees competed the following year when riding Midday Welcome who fell. 

The opportunity for female jockeys to compete in the Grand National has seen a steady stream of runners including Rachael Blackmore and Lizzie Kelly who competed in 2019. 

The 2020  Grand National didn't take place because of the Coronavirus but we can be sure that the ultimate prize of this year's race will be in the sights of those female riders who wish to tell a story which equals that of the legend Red Rum. 

Of all the female jockeys to take part, Katie Walsh has gone the closest to winning when finishing third on Seabass in 2012. 

Watch this video to learn more about the history of female jockeys who have changed the Grand National. 

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